Cute Penguin Has a Message

Cute Penguin
Japanese Ahabs capture, kill giant squid. From the article:

“We believe this is the first time anyone has successfully filmed a giant squid that was alive,” said Kubodera, a researcher with Japan’s National Science Museum. “Now that we know where to find them, we think we can be more successful at fetishizing them and eventually driving them to extinction.”

3 replies on “Cute Penguin Has a Message”

  1. I like Kubodera’s refreshing candidness-ocity-esqueness-ism.

    Here’s a related article —

    “The research team, led by Steve Orton, videotaped the giant tree at the park as they felled it in Sawtooth National Forest in Idaho earlier this month. The tree, which measured about 24-feet wide, died while it was being chopped.”

  2. Remember when we were talking about how penguins have no natural on-land enemies and we realized that this meant that polar bears and penguins couldn’t live in the same place? Well, I’ve just found out (thanks – “Shared Items”): polar bears live in the North Pole, while penguins live on the coast of the South Pole. Good job, nature.

  3. The Great Auk was “hunted to extinction.”

    What they don’t tell ya is that it was hunted by insidious (and possibly some nefarious or maybe even malevolent) polar bears!

    Hey, polar bears, ya better stay away from the southern arctic circle you big white bullies.

    Wikipedia Brown says, let’s learn about the Great Auk.

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