I Kiss You!

People started walking out of the theater for the testicles-on-face scene in Borat. “This is too much for us to take,” mumbles one guy furtively glancing at the screen as his girlfriend leads him out. (Which is the one that couldn’t take it?) We met a pretty mild couple at the Cheesecake Factory that were going to see the film. (Just saying the name of that restaurant makes me cringe — it rings of “Home Depot” , “Bed Bath & Beyond” and other yuppie-suburban weekend activities.) Turns out that couple was also going to the Gob Iron show the next night so when I saw them next I asked them about the film. The girl spoke in such a way that you could see she was reliving the experience like it was still fresh in her mind. That qualifies the film a success.

Saturday, Mer and I visited the North Carolina Museum of Art, but didn’t go inside: the NC Fall was gorgeous! We hiked around their greenways instead of seeing Monet. Praying Manti were all over!

Yesterday my program finished reformatting the Netflix data… a process which took over a week for the computer to complete.

One reply on “I Kiss You!”

  1. I had a good meeting with the president yesterday. Well, I didn’t see him face to face, but I did walk around the White House fence a few times.

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