A lot of cool stuff has happened and as a result I can’t really write about it in any interesting way. This will happen from time to time. As I don’t have a journal that is just for me, I’m left with this blog, and I’d feel kind of guilty if I didn’t at least make note of some of the things that have happened this week.
- Last Thursday I turned 31!
- Meredith, Josh, Julie, Tony and I went to Akai Hana. D-lish.
- Friday I bought this new laptop and a small MIDI controller. Small enough to maybe have in a cube and kick out some jams during lunch breaks? We’ll see.
- Saturday was the joint party with Emily and Marty. I had a great time with everyone who came out. Even Karen made a cameo!
- Played pool with Meredith, Emily and some guy with a rainbow purse.
- Sunday The Eels were upstaged by a couple second-basein’ it and dry humping on the pool table. (Complete with gross-out style orgasm faces! I win!)
- Monday was all about bodily fluids as a donated platelets then peed for a drug test. Got to see “Failure to Launch” for probably the fourth time at the Red Cross. (Aside to Red Cross nurses: I love you, but could you please rotate out the fucking movie?)
- Tuesday the dentist saw me as a walk-in. I have one minor cavity, which isn’t bad for having not been to the dentist in thirteen years.
>the joint party with Emily and Marty
>then peed for a drug test