10 feel-good songs to sing to someone to help them forget, if for only a moment, they are dying

“Hey Ya” – Outkast [video tutorial] [lyrics]: You can sing this one off-key all day and it will still make the asses shake.

“Cuz You Do” – Liam Lynch [chords]: Liam Lynch knows how to construct a pop song- no wonder both Paul McCartney and Tenacious D loves him.

“Baby One More Time” – Britney Spears [chords]: Holy shit this is so over the top that it is nearly impossible to sing without being hilarious.

“Good Vibrations” – Beach Boys [chords]: Who doesn’t want good vibrations?

“Philosophy” – Ben Folds Five [chords]: All in all the most uplifting song the group ever put out.

“What Is The Light?” – Flaming Lips [chords]: The Lips are tough for this kind of thing because though their songs often have a strong feel-good element and happy melody, they also have a darker undertone (I’m looking at you, “Do You Realize??”). This song is almost %100 positive.

“Friday I’m In love” – The Cure [chords]: Before this list was a glimmer in my eye I had pictured this song as something for just such an occasion. I like the idea of catching someone eating in the middle of the night.

“Come On Eileen” – Dexy’s Midnight Runners [chords]: Another 80’s classic. (Alternates: “99 Luftballoons”, “Take on Me”)

“Pablo Picasso” – The Modern Lovers [It’s an Em chord]: Not an obvious choice, but lyrics about a 5’3″ artist who has a way with the ladies is awesome.

“Tub Thumping” – Chumbawumba [chords]: How much cred does this list lose by including this song? Before you toss this one right in the crapper, listen: It’s easy to play and almost guaranteed to get a laugh.