- Dubai friggin’ explods in 14 years!
- I don’t know what this helix fucking thing is, but it looks cool.
- Purty
- Seeing this makes me feel better about my domain-buying binges. It’s all about the benjees, baby.
- Pretty awesome picture-zoomy thing.
- Poor man’s 3D. Everyman’s nauseator.
- Yet another place I’d like to go.
- A real anaconda? It was my understanding that they didn’t want none unless you got buns, hun.
- Classic con.
- List of countries by beer consumption per capita.
- Nevermind? Nevermind?
- This is probably one tenth of one percent of all shipped items on that day.
- Manhattan post global-warming.
- A lightweight javascript window. This link is more for me (so I can remember it) than for you. This will happen every once in a hoo.
- Another one: web APIs.