Some of my Wikipedia searches

  • Mitch Hedberg – An influence of Demetri Martin, who is pretty damn good
  • Richard Pryor – Chuck and I were talking about PR and I brought up how the positive spin that PR folks put on the face-burning thing was that it was free-base related.
  • Richard Parker – Reading this makes me want to read Life of Pi. I desire to understand my own personal Richard Parker.
  • Mos Def – I smashed it like it was an Idaho potato.
  • Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco – 420.
  • Hartless Bastards – Coming to the cradle. The lead girl looks kind of like Beth Gibbons, so I wanted to check if it was.
  • B battery (vacuum tubes) – Not as common anymore because when you say it people think you have a stutter.
  • A battery (vacuum tubes)
  • Dime
  • Proof Coinage
  • United States one hundred-dollar bill
  • Large denominations of United States currency
  • Salmon P. Chase – This guy seemed to really understand money
  • Energy Drink – people keep asking for them at the cradle.
  • Redline (drink) – particularly potent.
  • United States five-dollar bill – In addition to the proof dime, I also found a five-dollar note.
  • Flowerpot Island
  • Year 2000 problem – thinking about Office Space
  • James Bond – don’t remember why I was thinking of this. Since seeing Casino Royale, I’ve had little vacation-style bond fantasies. Say what you will about the guy, he does end up in some picturesque places.
  • Casino Royale (2006 film)
  • Office Space – saw some at the Cradle
  • Epilepsy
  • Wisconsin card sort
  • Santa Fe Institute – Renowned research facility for complex systems. Kind of a dream job.
  • Nicholas Metropolis – Monte Carlo method
  • Melanie Mitchell – One of the most influential authors of my life
  • John Henry Holland – Father of genetic algorithms
  • Theldrow – an old mac computer game
  • Physical Graffiti – The next few… I’m not so proud of, but you can see the click trail pretty obviously
  • Led Zeppelin IV
  • Aleister Crowley
  • Seal of Solomon
  • Lust for Life (song) – Possible Rho Band song
  • God Save the Queen (Sex Pistols song) – ditto
  • Richard Branson – This guy fascinates me.
  • Michael Richards – The fourth “Richard” on the list. What’s up?
  • Portishead – When is their next album coming out? This year some time (supposedly); I hope someone tells me.
  • Blur (band)Boys and Girls came on the iPod…
  • Ben Folds – …then a Ben Folds Five song.
  • Aphasia – I had always called it “aphonia”, but I think this is more accurate
  • Dysphasia – the term has fallen out of favor as it is too easily mistaken for “dysphagia”
  • Led Zeppelin – the song remains the lame
  • Kuru (disease) – prions are scary. real scary. Still, to fully understand them could lead to powerful applications.
  • Sickle-cell disease – do sickle-cells transmogrify neighboring cells to also be sickles?
  • Prion
  • Skiffle – “It’s not a skiffle band!”