Not a big deal

I saw the Rev. Jesse Jackson talking bout Michael Richards on the tv yesterday, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I’m sure it was along the lines of, “this really isn’t that big of a deal.”

Quiet + Beautiful = Mysterious.
Quiet + Unattractive = Creepy.

Last night I saw some people talking with Kevin at the door. Or rather, I saw Kevin talking to them and the expressions on their faces getting progressively more unhappy. The girl, in fact, looked on the verge of suicide. I think if she had had a knife, she would have gone off Elliott-Smith-style. They leave in a shuffle and I go over to ask. “God told us to tell you that he loves you,” they had said to Kevin to which Kevin responded with a five minute monologue on his non-belief. By the looks of it he may have converted them.