Atlanta Art

If you don’t live in a place, it is not often that you first fly out of that place and then fly into it. It’s much more likely to be the other way around, but I’m one of the few, I guess. When helping Lance and Arica move to Atlanta I drove Arica’s car in the caravan connection; all the while thinking, “I’d like a car. Like this one. Nothing fancy, but you know, reliable. Smooth. Smooth as Gerber.” This weekend I flew to Atlanta to buy that very car as they are subbing out their sensible, compact yuppie cars for a big-ass-baby-mobile. While in town, Lance and did three paintings for the kids room (here, here and here). Look familiar? They’re based on the “Kenya” animation. We also watched a lot of the British The Office. I tink a successful weekend, ya?