Yom Kippur: Shofar Sho Good

The great thing about the previous post is that I finished it at pretty much the height of sickness-induced haze. I left work early yesterday to recuperate and ended up passing out for two hours before going to temple with la Mer. During this fitful sleep I saw visions of white text on a black background scrolling to infinity as I did useless build after build (what I’m doing at work). I feel I should somehow be able to bill for those hours.

The service was interesting – this is only my second time. I found the minor-key, westernized Middle-East sounding songs to be quite beautiful. Standing for over an hour was fine and my state of health helped me to blend in as I was naturally swaying. I also found the story of the Rabbi that met with Elija in the Garden of Eden humorous. The Rabbi complains to Elija that he is poor and cannot sufficiently study the Torah because he is overly occupied making a living. Elijah takes him to the Garden of Eden and the rabbi fills his shawl with leaves and the sweet scent persists on the fabric. The Rabbi then takes the shawl –this priceless religious artifact– and sells it for twelve-thousand Dinars. I imagined the transaction going something like this:

Rabbi: I’ve got a priceless shawl which has cradled the leaves from the very Garden of Eden! You would like to buy it, yes?
Person: Perhaps I am interested. For what would you sell such a shawl?
Rabbi: 20,000 dinars.
Person: Ach! My cousin could find such a shawl for 7,000.
Rabbi: 7,000? That is an insult! It is worth 18,000 at the least.
Person: The quality of the fabric, it is not so good. I could maybe see that it is worth 10,000
Rabbi: Please! I have a wife and children to consider. Shawls so good do not fall from the sky! 12,000!
Person: My friend, it is a deal! Let us now make a bowl of olive oil sprinkled with sage and wipe it on our beards as tradition dictates.