Up and at ’em!

It’s late this morning and I think, “oh, I’ll take advantage of the flex time” so I hit snooze a couple of more times than I normally would. “Jeff said he wouldn’t be in until 9:30 anyway and really since we’re working together today I can’t do much until he arrives.” So I hit that snooze until I feel I’m pushing the limit; haul myself out of bed; drive to work. I pull into the parking lot expecting to find nary a space but… what’s this? There are all sorts of spaces. I park right up near the front. “Oh, man, everybody must have slept in today. It must, like, be some sort of Friday tradition. I don’t feel so bad after all.” At my desk I see it: The clock. The clock with the correct time. In a nice little ha-ha from God my alarm clock was set ahead two hours. Two. Fucking. Hours. It’s almost worth it just to go back home for a bit, but I’m stayin’. It’ll help bring this 65 hour work week more quickly to a close.