Sean lennon

After the Sean Lennon show, Ben and I went for some drinks out at Milltown where we were later joined by Sean. It was disappointing how he just couldn’t close the deal with the sorority girl he was trying to pick up. I don’t know… I just think John’s kid should have more game than that. Also unexpected was the snow. Mike was at the bar drinking tonic water and nursing a jaw recently broken on a dare by a local Rosemary st. resident. Whereas he couldn’t afford health insurance before, he sure can’t now that he has to pay of this 15 large bill. In lieu of a BlueAdvantage card he’s carrying a glock.

I’ve been having a migraine a day for a few days now. What’s odd is that I never really get a headache, but I do get those sickly, nauseating visual fissures.

4 replies on “Sean lennon”

  1. OMG, Sean Lennon as in Sean Lennon the son of Yoko Ono? Yoko Ono is a Tour de Force. Also, I like writing Yoko Ono and writing Tour de Force.

    With all due respect, I think the sorority girl situation may say more about the sad state of sorority girls than it does about Sean. She probably went back to the house and hit on some airhead who eats creatine for breakfast and thinks North Korea is a Division II basketball team.

    Come on, bimbo, you think you can find a beautifuller, beautifuller boy than this Grade A prime cut? Get with the program, blondie!

  2. Well, he is also Yoko’s son… god knows that must come at a price. I shudder. Who wants to say, “Guess, what… I had sex with Yoko Ono’s son!” Not I, and I’m easy and will sleep with most any musician.

  3. Guess what…I had sex with the backup drummer from Spatula. At first I thought it was the son of the greatest musical genius of all time. Thank god I dodged that bullet!

    p.s. Sean might appreciate it if people stopped referring to him as the son of John and Yoko. …I’m thinking, maybe something like, “son of Yoko and John.” What do you think, Sean?

  4. When I was 9 or so, I told people that Keith Richards was my dad. I had the balls to do it when my mother was right there– good thing she never paid attention to me.

    Personally, I think people should say Sean is “Yoko Son” with a fake Japanense accent and really quickly as to make it sound “authentic”.

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