
One of life’s truisms is that the kind of person who wants to have anal sex with you in the bathroom of a filthy rock club after first meeting you is the exact – again – the exact kind of person that you should not if-you-know-what-is-good-for-you have anal sex with in the bathroom of a filthy rock club after first meeting them. I honestly thought that the punk-rock marching band would be the big story from last night. No, it was some girl who mI’ve never met before wanting to get rammed by the urinals; that pretty much took the cake.

3 replies on “Truism”

  1. how do you even pitch an idea like that to a stranger? hey, stranger! when’s your next break? wanna give it to me in the rear?

  2. I just want to say you are so right, Brian. And it’s amazing how few people understand this.

    There’s also a corrollary: any person who would cheat on his or her significant other to get with you, will be happy to cheat on you to get with someone else later. Duh.

  3. “it’s amazing how few people understand this”

    Well, in that case society is in worse shape than I thought.

    In fact, it’s so bad there’s no hope and I might as well go have anal sex with some stranger in the nearest bathroom.

    p.s. As for the cheating thing, if the person wants to have anal sex with a stranger, she obviously has not found true love yet. You never know. Maybe this anal sex by the urinal will be the start of something beautiful!

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