9 replies on “Voice Recognition Eat Your Heart Out”

  1. Saying it is not a problem. Where do I find a robot?

    (I know you said ANY robot. Maybe I am robot deprived, but I can’t find any robots around here. Do you use bait, or what?)

  2. When do people think robots are going to take over the world? 2020? 2030?


  3. Her name is Yoshimi. She’s a black belt in karate, working for the city. She has to discipline her body cause she knows that it’s demanding to defeat those evil machines. I know she can beat them.

    Oh Yoshimi, they don’t believe me, but you won’t let those robots eat me. Yoshimi, they don’t believe me, but you won’t let those robots defeat me.

    Those evil-natured robots — they’re programmed to destroy us. She’s gotta be strong to fight them so she’s taking lots of vitamins cause she knows that it’d be tragic if those evil robots win. I know she can beat them.

    Oh Yoshimi, they don’t believe me, but you won’t let those robots defeat me. Yoshimi, they don’t believe me, but you won’t let those robots eat me. Yoshimi. ‘Cause she knows that it’d be tragic if those evil robots win.

    I know she can beat them.

    Oh Yoshimi, they don’t believe me, but you won’t let those robots defeat me.

  4. Kate Brewster: Drop dead you asshole!
    Terminator: I am unable to comply.

  5. Data: Is she still angry?

    La Forge: No, but I’d stay out of Sickbay for a while if I were you. I still don’t know why you dropped her in the water.

    Data: I was attempting to get in the spirit of things. I thought it would be humorous.

    La Forge: Data, you’re not thinking about using that thing are you?

    Data: It has occurred to me on several occasions. But I believe this may be the appropriate time.

    La Forge: Wait a minute. I thought you’ve always been afraid it would overload your neural net.

    Data: That is true. However, I believe my growth as an artificial lifeform has reached an impasse. For thirty-four years I have endeavored to become more “human” — to grow beyond my original programming. And yet I am still unable to grasp such a simple concept as humor. This emotion chip is the only answer.

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