The Floatea

Reggae kept me up last night at the Cradle. After work my usual parking spot is taken so I park in a neighbors. How could they possibly need that spot between 2:45 and 8:45 AM? Lo and behold, a note on the car indicating that they’ve taken down my license plate number and are keeping a really close eye on me. I mean, are you kidding me? They didn’t need the space for that off-peak time. That’s just staking claim just for the sake of staking a claim. As a result I was cranky all the way to work. To counteract this I thought some caffeine was in order, but the usual company coffee just wouldn’t do. My bright idea (in a brain-addled way) was to float a tea bag in my cup to give it an extra kick; I’m calling it the Floatea. You really should try it — it’s horrible.