The Floatea

Reggae kept me up last night at the Cradle. After work my usual parking spot is taken so I park in a neighbors. How could they possibly need that spot between 2:45 and 8:45 AM? Lo and behold, a note on the car indicating that they’ve taken down my license plate number and are keeping a really close eye on me. I mean, are you kidding me? They didn’t need the space for that off-peak time. That’s just staking claim just for the sake of staking a claim. As a result I was cranky all the way to work. To counteract this I thought some caffeine was in order, but the usual company coffee just wouldn’t do. My bright idea (in a brain-addled way) was to float a tea bag in my cup to give it an extra kick; I’m calling it the Floatea. You really should try it — it’s horrible.

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  1. Don’t worry. If they’re keeping a real close eye on you, that should make you more attractive to other women.

  2. Oh, the many little joys of living in an apartment complex.

    There should be some kind of mandatory waiting period for tantrums – in bitchy note form, and otherwise.

    All the Flotea needs is a dash of Coca-Cola.

  3. When my siblings and I were very young we used to mix coca cola and milk to pretend to be drinking coffee like grownups…it’s like drinking the dregs of a coke float.

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