Kids say the darndest things

Elliot pulls my arm behind my head and since I am fairly flexible in that area I make it look like my arm has been pulled out of socket.  “It’s broken!” I exclaim.

“Stem cells can make broken bones grow back,” he returns, unworried.

Playing with Ellliot was probably the best part about seeing the Bulls with the rest of the Cradle.  It was mildly entertaining to hear Cameron and Tracy rip on some dude with a beatnik hat and wrestling shirt.  It was like junior high kind of ripping.  This guy wasn’t that far from us and our collective hearing damage probably makes us speak louder than we should.

Earlier on Monday Isa and I recorded a Dub version of “Kitty Cat School”.  That worked out really well… especially when Isa said (with Billy in earshot), “mom made me stop playing this song because she said it’s annoying.”