Who is from the Netherlands?

This site is getting all sorts of hits from the .nl posse. Why? Who are you? You’re the one’s with legalized prostitution. What could you possibly want from me?

On a semi-related note, you do one blog post titled “Autofellation” and suddenly you’re an authority on the subject. I imagine droves of people expecting pictures of hinge-backed dudes being very disappointed. “What the hell is this shit? Some pansy whining about how he doesn’t like being treated like a cash machine? The nerve of that motherfucker.”

9 replies on “Who is from the Netherlands?”

  1. Internal linking will get you nowhere, young man!

    (Joey told me that Google frowns upon such flagrant attempts at shameless SEO. Actually, the words Joey used were bigger but that was the gist of it.)

    By the way, prostitution is legal in Nevada. Do you have a lot of readers from Nevada?

    I hear that the Netherlands is a magical land of windmills and wooden shoes where pot is legal and the beer flows like Heineken. Prostitution may be legal, but I hear in Holland you have to pay girls to keep their clothes ON. It’s like the 60’s frozen in time over there, man. Like a wormhole to Haight Ashbury circa 1968, baby. It is one groovy, happening place, baby.

    Or maybe I’m thinking of Iceland.

    Nope, it was the Netherlands.

  2. Internal linking will get you nowhere, young man!

    (Joey told me that Google frowns upon such flagrant attempts at shameless SEO. Actually, the words Joey used were bigger but that was the gist of it.)

    By the way, prostitution is legal in Nevada. Do you have a lot of readers from Nevada?

    I hear that the Netherlands is a magical land of windmills and wooden shoes where pot is legal and the beer flows like Heineken. Prostitution may be legal, but I hear in Holland you have to pay girls to keep their clothes ON. It’s like the 60’s frozen in time over there, man. Like a wormhole to Haight Ashbury circa 1968, baby. It is one groovy, happening place, baby.

    Or maybe I’m thinking of Iceland.

    Nope, it was the Netherlands.


  4. Isa is “from” the Netherlands. Robert and I can say we are “Dutch” but we can’t use the word “from”. But unless you are advertising leopard geckos or sugar gliders– or whatever reptile Isa feels I need to buy her for the big H.– she wouldn’t have hit your site while visiting there two week ago.

    Speaking of legalized prostituition– did I ever tell you about the drive thru’s in the Netherlands where you can park and have sex with a prostitute in your car? The drive thrus look like one of those car washes with corrugated fiberglass or aluminum stalls.

  5. My instincts tell me that that being a drive-trhu prostitute doesn’t put you at the top of the totem pole in the sex industry.

  6. Technically, yes. Their sign is a giant totem pole with a hooker on top of it.

    “So when you said ‘drive thru,’ that wasn’t a sexual innuendo?”

    hooker: “What’s a innuendo? Hee hee.”

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